Minors for Graduate Business Programs
Add to Your Expertise
Enhance your graduate degree with your choice of minors from the College of Business.
The College of Business offers several minors that can be added to any master's program offered at East Texas A&M. For majors outside of business (sciences, education, agriculture, etc.), you must receive major program advisor approval. Fill out the Request for a Minor Form and submit it to your academic advisor.
- Accounting
- Agribusiness
- Business Analytics
- Cybersecurity
- Digital Marketing
- Economics
- Finance
- Financial Planning
- Real Estate
- Economics of U.S. Healthcare
- International Business
- Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- Corporate Management
Course Requirements for Minors
Prerequisite courses ACCT 501, ECO 501, ECO 502, FIN 501, MGT 501 and MKT 50 cannot be considered as electives in any graduate program in business. The general MBA requires the completion of six hours of electives. If a minor is desired, all elective hours should be taken in the minor area as outlined below.
Take at least four courses from the Accounting courses, including ACCT 525.
Choose one from AG 505 or AEC 550 and choose three from the following Agricultural Economics courses:
- AEC 520 AgriBusiness Analysis and Forecasting
- AEC 530 Agricultural Production Economics
- AEC 540 Advanced Theory of Demand and Price Analysis
- AEC 560 International Agricultural Trade
Take BUSA 526 Database Management, 542 Applied Decision Modeling as well as two courses from Business Analytics:
- BUSA 516 Mobile Business
- BUSA 523 Business Analytics Programming
- BUSA 532 Data Warehousing
- BUSA 533 Cybersecurity and IT Auditing
- BUSA 535 Ethical Hacking
- BUSA 537 Advanced Analytics
- BUSA 539 Cyber Forensics & Info Security Policy Governance
- BUSA 580 Internship
- BUSA 597 Special Topic
NOTE: Additional prerequisites may be required for this minor. View the graduate catalog for the most current list for each course in the minor. Contact your advisor with any questions. This minor cannot be added to a master’s degree in business analytics.
Choose four of the following Management courses:
- MGT 550 Corp Governance and Sustainability
- MGT 555 Project Management
- MGT 567 Managing Groups/Teams
- MGT 583 Seminar in Leadership
- MGT 586 Managing at the Edge
- MGT 587 Executive Development
- MGT 590 Global Competitiveness
- MGT 592 Current Issues in HRM
- MGT 594 Transforming Organizations
- MGT 597 Special Topic
Note: Four total courses are required
Take these four courses from Business Analytics:
- BUSA 526 Database Management
- BUSA 533 Cybersecurity and IT Auditing
- BUSA 535 Ethical Hacking
- BUSA 539 Cyber Forensics and Information Security Policy Governance
NOTE: Additional prerequisites may be required for this minor. View the graduate catalog for the most current list for each course in the minor. Contact your advisor with any questions.
Take the four following courses from Marketing
- MKT 568 Advertising and Promotion
- MKT 569 Digital Marketing
- MKT 573 Internet Marketing
- MKT 580 Marketing Internship
Take at least four courses from Economics:
- ECO 562 Managerial Economics
- ECO 576 Macroeconomics for Managers
- ECO 595 Applied Business Research
- ECO 578 Statistical Methods
- ECO 501 Economics for Decision Makers
- ECO 502 Quantitative Analysis for Managers
Take FIN 504 Financial Management, 510 Investment Seminar and two from the Finance courses:
- FIN 520 Advanced Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
- FIN 530 Fundamentals of Financial Planning
- FIN 533 Applied Financial and Economic Forecasting
- FIN 550 Portfolio Management in Excel
- FIN 571 International Business Finance
Take the following courses:
- FIN 504 Financial Management
- FIN 510 Investment Seminar
- FIN 530 Fundamentals of Financial Planning
As well as one from the Finance courses
- FIN 534 Advanced Risk, Insurance and Estate Planning
- FIN 536 Advanced Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits
Take the following Finance courses:
- FIN 504 Financial Management
- FIN 575 Principles of Real Estate
- FIN 576 Real Estate Appraisal and Investment
- FIN 577 Real Estate Finance
Take the following courses:
- ECO 555 Health Care Services in the U.S.
- ECO 556 Health Economics
- ECO 557 Health Policy
As well as one from the Economics courses
- ECO 562 Managerial Economics
- ECO 576 Macroeconomics for Managers
Choose any four courses from the following:
- ECO 528 International Economic Problems
- FIN 571 International Business Finance
- MGT 590 Global Competitiveness
- MGT 597 Special Topic
- MKT 586 International Marketing
Note: You may also substitute up to four courses from the British Studies program (approved topics).
Take at least four courses from Marketing, including MKT 521 GLB/Marketing Management.
Take the following Marketing courses:
- MKT 569 Interactive and Digital Marketing
- MKT 574 CRM, Customer Relationship Management
- MKT 572 Seminar in Marketing Research
- MKT 570 Marketing Analytics and Intelligence
- MKT 521 GLB/Marketing Management
Long-Range Schedule
Mapping out your graduate program can be challenging, but don’t feel overwhelmed! You can plan ahead by viewing the College of Business Graduate Rotation.
Contact Us
- College of Business
- 903.886.5191
- 903.886.5650
- COBInfo@tamuc.edu
- P.O. Box 3011
- Commerce, TX 75429-3011